Emily Kelly

Graphic Designer and Artist with a knack for conceptualizing and a love of typography, currently based in Boulder, Colorado. 

Working within art direction, visual identity, print and digital media. Say hi!




Currently open to freelance and/or long-term contracts   


October 2023—I’d been feeling kinda meh in regards to play; and kinda stuck to be frank. Even though I have select materials I’m always thinking about creating with, it’d been a while since I allowed myself to fool around with others. 

I looked in my closet, took out the first piece of paper I saw, and sourced some paints I hadn’t touched since—I believe... 2018—and let myself wander for a bit. At a glance, I chuckled at how it ended up looking like an assortment of mini M&Ms, my favorite.

8.5” x 11” gouache on paper.